What to Expect
If you’re new to Anglican worship, here’s what to expect at St. John’s.
St. John’s is rooted in the rich theological traditions and sacramental life of the historic Anglican Communion. We thus seek to embody the ethos of lex orandi, lex credendi—the way we worship shapes what we believe. St. John’s offers a spiritual home where the sacraments are real encounters with the grace of God, nurturing believers in their pilgrimage of faith.
Upon Entering the Church
St. John’s Sunday service offers authentic Anglican worship in a serene chapel surrounded by a beautiful grove of trees. When you walk in the front door there will be prayerbooks and bibles on a table to your right; feel free to take one in as you enter the sanctuary on the left. You’ll be welcomed by friendly St. John’s parishioners as you enter.
Service Structure
The service begins with a traditional hymn, setting a contemplative and reverent atmosphere. The liturgy proceeds with prayers, Scripture readings, joyous liturgical music, and a sermon focused on the readings. Many Sundays include the celebration of the Eucharist. The service concludes with a final hymn. We hope you leave spiritually renewed and deeply connected to God.
What You’ll Notice in the Service
Traditional worship at St. John’s includes reverent actions such as kneeling, bowing, standing, and making the sign of the cross. These may be unfamiliar to some Christians, and familiar to others. Rest assured, most of these gestures are noted in the Prayer Book, and you can follow along by observing those around you. These actions are forms of embodied prayer, deepening the reverence and solemnity of each moment in the liturgy. If for any reason you are unable to perform the action with the congregation (for example if kneeling is difficult for you), you’re always welcome to merely sit or stand along with us.
We almost never take an offering during our services! But we do believe God has a prior claim on all that we are and have, and He invites us to give back to Him out of gratitude (1 Corinthians 16:2). Our “giving back” may flow to a variety of God’s charitable purposes, prominently including the church. In the Old Testament, God asked of His people a “tithe,” which traditionally signifies a tenth, while “offerings” refer to gifts given beyond the tithe (Malachi 3:8-12). As we consider our personal giving, the guideline of tithing endures as an invitation to offer the first fruits of our lives and labors to God and to embrace a spirit of contentment with what remains. Visitors are not expected to give of their tithe to St. John’s! However, if you feel led to do so, you are welcome to make a gift to support the Church or those in need. Regular parishioners typically give through our online giving platform (indicated at the bottom of each web page here).
Holy Communion
In the traditional Anglican practice of Holy Communion, all baptized Christians—those who have previously been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—are eligible to partake. All baptized persons who “earnestly repent of your sins, and seek to live in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God and walking in his holy ways,” are invited to receive the Blessed Sacrament. To receive Communion, approach the altar, placing one hand upon the other, following the example of those before you. If you are unable to receive the Sacrament for any reason, you are warmly invited to come forward for a blessing; in this case, please stand and cross your arms over your chest as a sign of your request for a blessing.
“I have kids who get squirrelly. Can I still come?”
We hope you do come, and bring the little ones! We welcome children of all ages to join us in worship, and in any given week we will have some of our own there, so you will not be the only one. If for whatever reason you or your children need to step out there is a room where parents can step aside with their children, just outside the sanctuary to the left hand side as you exit. Feel free to ask one of us for directions and we’ll be happy to help you get situated.